Although a relatively small project, the window repairs threw up some very interesting challenges.
Built in 1866, this grade II listed railway station houses an office of the British Transport Police. Cast iron windows set into sandstone surrounds were allowing rainwater and draughts to enter. On inspection it was soon apparent that the stone transoms and mullions were badly decayed and the ill fitting cast iron frames were cracked in several places.
Under guidance from the local Conservation Officer, we supplied and installed new transoms and mullions using local Grinshill Stone to replace those beyond repair. The badly damaged iron frames were successfully repaired using 'cold metal stitching and set into the masonry using a specialist mastic sealant. P1 restoration glass to match exisiting was used to complete the repairs. A decision was made by the Conservation Officer to preserve the patina of the exisiting stone so no cleaning of exisiting fabric was carried out.
Works included:
This project encompasses the following services